When purchasing a premium account (30 days), the player is able to use offline-farm for 30 days.
What is Offline Auto-Hunting?
Project Nemesis has implemented a unique automatic hunting function, which allows the character to remain in the game and continue hunting after logout, This feature is also suitable for players who prefer to turn off their PC.
How it works?
- To activate this function, you must have a Premium Account.
- After purchasing a PA Coupon from the Store, activate it by double-clicking on it in your inventory. Once activated, the offline hunting feature will be available until the PA Coupon expires.
- To start offline hunting, enter the command “.offlineplay” in-game.
If all conditions are met, in order to quickly exit the game, you can enter the command “.offlineplay”.
- It is allowed to have only one character from one IP on offline autohunt.
- If you try to enter the game on another character, then the first character will be disconnected from the server;
- After the server restart, the character will also be disconnected from the server.