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Guaranteed Item Modification System

Guaranteed Item Modification is a system that allows an item to be improved with a 100% success rate after a series of unsuccessful modification/synthesis attempts.

This system applies to all items except:

  •  Pattern Enhancement Items;
  •  Items created in special crafting;
  •  Guaranteed modification does not apply to Weapons and Armo

Guaranteed modification works only on one type of item regardless of its state (sealed, unsealed).

For example, all these items have a single guaranteed enhancement progress bar:

  •  Aden Soul Crystal;
  • Hardin’s Soul Crystal;
  •  Any other item related to Aden Soul Crystal.

Guaranteed Modification

The guaranteed modification indicator fills up with each unsuccessful enchantment attempt and resets upon successful enchantment.

Once the bar is filled, the next attempt to modify the item will be guaranteed.

The number of unsuccessful attempts required to fill the bar depends on the item and its modification level.

Guaranteed Synthesis

The Guaranteed Synthesis indicator fills up with each unsuccessful synthesis attempt and resets upon successful synthesis.

Once the indicator is filled, the next synthesis attempt of the corresponding items will be guaranteed.

The number of unsuccessful attempts required to fill the indicator depends on the number of items obtained during successful synthesis.

Guaranteed Synthesis also works in automatic synthesis mode.

Guaranteed Blessing

The Guaranteed Blessing indicator fills up with each unsuccessful blessing attempt and resets upon successful blessing.

Once the indicator is filled, the next blessing attempt of the corresponding item will be guaranteed.

The number of unsuccessful attempts required to fill the indicator depends on the target item for blessing.

Guaranteed Blessing also works in Automatic Blessing mode.

Guaranteed Special Craft

The Guaranteed Special Craft indicator fills up with each unsuccessful craft attempt and resets upon successful craft.

Once the indicator is filled, the next craft attempt of the corresponding item will be guaranteed.

The number of unsuccessful attempts required to fill the indicator depends on the target item for craft.

Guaranteed Craft also works for Epic Jewelery Craft,etc.

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